Transforming Towns project

Transforming Bangor


30 August 2024
This weekend , I was honoured to visit Soest, Twin city to Bangor City to celebrate their 1400 year anniversary . As part of this event I have been privileged to meet and share in the celebrations with Soest along with their twin cities from Poland, the Netherlands, France and within Germany and from the Ukraine, the hospitality and friendship from the office of the Mayor of Soest has been amazing, and indeed reassuring that despite Brexit, The City of Bangor has reaffirmed our bonds of friendship and made new friends from across Europe, together we share the commonality of similar issues: Housing, Climate Change, Social Injustices, and the threat of armed conflict.

Town Twining developed as a result of world war 2 as a means to find and foster better relationships between Towns and Cities across Europe and now globally and this weekend has served as a reminder of how vital town twinning relationships are essential to a better future for us now and for our shared future generations across the UK , Europe and globally.

My heartfelt thanks go out to the City of Soest for the opportunity to share in their celebrations and to the people of Soest for their warm welcome , long may our relationship flourish .

Gareth Parry
Mayor of the City of Bangor


Dieses Wochenende hatte ich die Ehre, Soest, die Partnerstadt von Bangor City, zu besuchen, um deren 1400-jähriges Jubiläum zu feiern. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung hatte ich das Privileg, Soest und seine Partnerstädte aus Polen, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Deutschland und der Ukraine kennenzulernen und an den Feierlichkeiten teilzunehmen. Die Gastfreundschaft und Freundschaft des Bürgermeisterbüros von Soest war unglaublich und es ist in der Tat beruhigend, dass die Stadt Bangor trotz des Brexits unsere Freundschaftsbande bekräftigt und neue Freunde aus ganz Europa gefunden hat. Gemeinsam haben wir ähnliche Probleme: Wohnen, Klimawandel, soziale Ungerechtigkeiten und die Bedrohung durch bewaffnete Konflikte.

Städtepartnerschaften entwickelten sich als Folge des Zweiten Weltkriegs als Mittel, um bessere Beziehungen zwischen Städten und Gemeinden in ganz Europa und jetzt weltweit zu finden und zu fördern, und dieses Wochenende hat uns daran erinnert, wie wichtig Städtepartnerschaften für eine bessere Zukunft für uns jetzt und für unsere gemeinsamen zukünftigen Generationen in Großbritannien, Europa und weltweit sind.

Mein herzlicher Dank gilt der Stadt Soest für die Möglichkeit, an ihren Feierlichkeiten teilzunehmen, und den Menschen in Soest für ihren herzlichen Empfang. Möge unsere Beziehung noch lange gedeihen.

Gareth Parry
Bürgermeister der Stadt Bangor

Mayor's Community Litter Pick / Clean-up

19 August 2024
The Mayor Gareth Parry and Cyngor Dinas Bangor would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Natalie Williams, Kevin Hogan, Dyfed, Hogan Brothers Group, New Life Church, North Wales Africa Society, and Mr. and Mrs. Doo, Bwyd Da, Bangor First for uniting to support the Mayor’s Community Clean-Up Day on Bangor High Street. Thanks to their dedication and love for Bangor City, the hard work of the volunteers, over 30 bags of litter and weeds were collected, making a noticeable difference in the appearance and cleanliness of our High Street. The collective efforts have not only enhanced our community but have also set a powerful example of what can be achieved when we come together. We are truly grateful for your support and commitment.

Mayor's Community Litter Pick / Clean-up

Mayor's Community Litter Pick / Clean-up

Which Survey Seaside Towns

22 July 2024
It's disappointing to see Bangor City named as one of the UK's worst seaside towns. Such rankings often fail to capture the full picture and the unique charms that make Bangor City so special.

Bangor City is steeped in history , and it’s with no small measure of pride that Bangor City will be celebrating it’s 1500 year anniversary in 2025.

After all Bangor City is the 1st and oldest city in Wales. With landmarks such as St Deiniol’s Cathedral , Pontio arts center and Storiel Galery and Museum offering cultural and educational experiences, Bangor wears it’s heritage and culture with pride.

With stakeholders Bangor University and Coleg Menai , Our City is truly deserving to be known as a City of Learning, Innovation and Vision.

The city also provides breathtaking views of the Menai Strait and serves as a gateway to the natural beauty of Snowdonia National Park and our forebears recognised that in lacking a suitable beach , they found the perfect solution to promenade and take the sea "airs" and built our magnificent victorian pier at Garth Point which now attracts over 80,000 visitors a year.

These ratings can sometimes highlight areas for improvement, offering an opportunity for Bangor City to address its challenges. With concerted efforts from the community and local authorities, Bangor can enhance its infrastructure, promote its historical and natural attractions, and support local businesses to improve the visitor experience.

The resilience and dedication of Bangor’s residents are crucial in transforming perceptions and showcasing the city’s true potential. By leveraging its rich history and natural beauty, Bangor City can strive to become a more attractive and vibrant coastal destination.

Bangor City Council

From the Mayor Cllr Gareth Parry

This year , as Mayor, I will be hosting a clean up day for Bangor City, on August 7th between 10 am and 4pm - an opportunity for Bangorians to come together and volunteer to help with a little tender loving care for the City with a litter pick and light spot weeding radiating out from the centre of the city.

Using Caffi Deiniol as the base, light refreshments will be available and suitable equipment will be provided. Last year’s clean up day by Mayor Elin Walker Jones was an amazing day with over 60 volunteers coming together to share our love for our City, along with catching up with old friends and making new friends.

Whether you can spare an hour or more , whatever you can do will be great , every little bit will help our beautiful Cathedral City.

If you would like to join us, please could you send your details to Llinos at Bangor City Council via e-mail or to myself e-mail :

This will help immensely with planning refreshments and equipment.

Many thanks

Gareth Parry
Mayor Bangor City

Mayor 2024/25: Cllr Gareth Parry
Deputy Mayor 2024/25: Cllr Medwyn Hughes

In the annual meeting on the 13/05/24 Councillor Gareth Parry was elected to be this year’s Mayor. Councillor Medwyn Hughes was elected to be Deputy Mayor.

We would like to thank Councillor Elin Walker-Jones for her hard work and devotion to the City of Bangor.

Councillor Gareth Parry

22 April 2024

A collaboration between Bangor University Students Union (Undeb Bangor) and Bangor City Council was recognised by the High Sheriff of Gwynedd Sarah Foskett JP at an award ceremony. Three awards are given annually to volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to volunteering while at the University. This year Ben Chandler was presented with this honour for leading the joint Hot Food Project which delivers around 50 – 70 hot meals every weekend.

Undeb Bangor

22 April 2024
Thank you to all the volunteers for their excellent work and efforts painting the Pier.

Thanks also to Chris Jere for providing the refreshments and Elin Walker Jones for organising the event.

Thank you to all the volunteers for their excellent work and efforts painting the Pier.

Elin Walker Jones
Friends Of Bangor Garth Pier

Bangor City Council receives National Award

18 April 2024
Bangor City Council received a Welsh National Award recently at the One Voice Wales Award Conference. The Award, given in the Community Engagement category, celebrated the work the City Council has undertaken in bringing together elements of the 3rd sector in the City. ‘This is a huge honour for the Council team and for the City’.

Bangor City Council receives National Award

12 April 2024
On the night of April 9th at Penrhyn Hall the Mayor Councillor Elin Walker Jones and Deputy Mayor Councillor Gareth Parry presented the Freedom of the City on behalf of the City Council.

The award was presented to three very worthy individuals who have worked tirelessly for their communities.

Mr Brian Williams, Mr Gwyn Mowll and Mr Hywel Williams MP.

Bangor City Council wishes to thank these individuals for all of their efforts in serving the community of Bangor.

Ar noson Ebrill 9fed yn Neuadd Penrhyn cyflwynodd y Maer y Cynghorydd Elin Walker Jones a’r Dirprwy Faer y Cynghorydd Gareth Parry Ryddid y Ddinas ar ran Cyngor y Ddinas.

North Wales Young Researchers Competition

14 March 2024

The finalists of the first-ever North Wales Young Researchers Competition gathered in Penrhyn Hall, in Bangor, on Saturday the 9th of March to present their findings.

This was the final round of an event, supported by SEREN, which required A-Level and AS students from the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to undertake some private research and then to communicate their findings via printed communication boards and discussions with members of the public.

The competition was the brainchild of former Bangor student Laura Hanks, now a senior researcher at Lancaster University and a STEM for Britain Silver award winner. Laura said ‘I wanted to give students from North Wales the sort of experience that is not normally open to them until they reach third year of University. Taking part in this event will help students stand out when applying for University and give them a head start when they get there.’

The regional finals, the first of its kind anywhere in the country for students of this level, were hosted by Bangor City Council and competitors and delegates were welcomed by the Mayor, Councillor Elin Walker Jones, who also presented the four category winners later in the afternoon in Bangor University’s Pontio building.

The prize-winning submissions were

  • Lloyds Bank Group Prize for Best Innovative Idea
    'Virtual Photon Intensifier: A modern take on stealth communication.'
  • Best Verbal Scientific Communication Award supported by Network Rail
    'Exploration of the potential benefits of ‘Organ on a Chip’ Technology.'
  • Hynamics/EDF Award for Best Visual Scientific Communication
    'How 'Smart pills' can revolutionise diagnoses and treatments in medicine.'
  • Additional Award from Bangor City Council Award for Outstanding Knowledge
    'Securing Everyday Transactions with Quantum-Resistant Encryption.'

The eleven finalists of the North Wales Young Researchers Competition, at the Conference on Saturday the 9th March 2024
The eleven finalists of the North Wales Young Researchers Competition, at the Conference on Saturday the 9th March 2024

The winners in each of the 4 categories pose with the Mayor of Bangor, organisers and representatives of the main sponsors.
The winners in each of the 4 categories pose with the Mayor of Bangor, organisers and representatives of the main sponsors.

The Mayor of Bangor, Cllr Elin Walker Jones

The Mayor of Bangor, Cllr Elin Walker Jones, welcomes the 11 finalists of the North Wales Young Researcher’s Competition and delegates and sponsors of the event to Penrhyn Hall in Bangor on Saturday the 9th March 2024.

The finalists show their research to members of the public and to the judging panel

The finalists show their research to members of the public and to the judging panel
The finalists show their research to members of the public and to the judging panel

Experienced researchers from a range of backgrounds hold a question and answer session and share their research experiences
Experienced researchers from a range of backgrounds hold a question and answer session and share their research experiences

Laura Hanks Senior Researchers from Lancaster University announces the winners on Bangor University’s Pontio building.
Laura Hanks Senior Researchers from Lancaster University announces the winners on Bangor University’s Pontio building.

6 March 2024

A third sector workshop was held in Nyth, Bangor recently, facilitated by the mayor. The mayor had felt for a while that there is a significant amount of good work happening in Bangor, but people don’t necessarily know about it. Often, the narrative regarding Bangor is unnecessarily negative. There are some fabulous people doing fabulous work in our city, and we need to thank them!

It was decided therefore to hold this workshop to provide an opportunity for the third sector to get together, network, share good practice and have the chance to share ideas and create a plan for an excellent Bangor. It was an opportunity to thank the third sector for their work with the people of Bangor, especially considering the challenging times within which we live at present, with public funds so scarce. A number of organisations and local services attended, e.g. MaesG Showzone, Mantell Gwynedd, CAB, GISDA, Adferiad, Cyfle Cymru, Anheddau, Y Bont, North Wales Africa Society, Age Cymru, Friends of Bangor Garth Pier, Cyngor Gwynedd Youth Services, Canolfan Abbey Road, TEC Cymru, Dewis Cymru, Agored Cymru, Ardal Ni I Can Connector as well as some of Bangor city councillors. Thanks to you all for attending!

It was an energetic day, and everyone was full of enthusiasm! Presentations were delivered by Dr Martin Hanks, City Director, describing how the City Council could support the third sector and also by Jess Mullan, Business Project Manager, Cyngor Gwynedd regarding Dewis Cymru. Dewis Cymru is a website that provides opportunities for anyone to find out what services, events etc are happening in their local area. The rest of the day was devoted to groupwork, providing opporutnities for networking and creating and planning! We look forward to working together to develop some of the pioneering, positive ideas that were expressed during the day!

A huge thanks to Bangor City Council for sponsoring the event and specifically to Llinos and Carwyn for their tireless work in helping to organise the day. Thanks too to Bwyd Da Bangor for the refreshments, Elin Cymen for translating so we could conduct the event bilingually, and to Nyth for permitting us to host the event in such a beautiful location.

Everyone was keen to see follow ups from the event, inclduing further workshops and a community hub in the city centre. We have thus started further discussions within the City Council to discuss possibilities. Please feel free to contact us with your ideas!


Menai Woods

Temporary path closure – February 2024
The lower path on Menai Woods will be closed to all pedestrian traffic from 19 to the 23 February, inclusive.

The aforementioned closure is to allow for the removal of trees and vegetation which have been assessed as being potentially dangerous by our advisors.

9 January 2024
The Council is grateful to the group for bringing colour and culture to the high street and kicking off 2024.

The Council is grateful to the group for bringing colour and culture to the high street and kicking off 2024.

3 January 2024
As you pass the Citizens Advice building in Bangor, it's hard not to notice the beautiful mural celebrating 1876, and Nathan Broadhead!

The Mayor would like to thank Andy Birch, graffiti artist Dimeone for leading on the project, and North Wales Police, Crimebeat (Senior Sheriff Janet Phillips' charity), Bangor City Council and Gwynedd Youth Service for the sponsorship and arm work to complete the project.

Special thanks to the young people who painted all day.

19 December 2023

The Mayor has been lucky enough to attend a number of carol services at the Cathedral and beyond.

She said that it it’s an honour to represent the people of Bangor at these events.Thank you Tenovus for providing a sterling service supporting people who are affected by cancer.

Thank you Emergency Services for your tireless efforts protecting the people of Bangor and beyond and saving people’s lives.

Thank you Ysgol Friars for a musical feast!

Thank you Piws for supporting children and young people with a variety of disabilities.

Thank you Rotary Club for your charity work.

A pleasure to attend! Merry Christmas to all!

The Mayor has been lucky enough to attend a number of carol services at the Cathedral and beyond

A Day in the Life...

By Elin – the Mayor of Bangor

4 December 2023

It was an honour to spend the day with Aaron and Howell, our amazing Bangor City outdoor operatives recently. Most of their work is unseen, often thankless – but they carry out those essential jobs that keep the city going, so I asked if I could spend the day with them. Their work is fundmental to our city.

I met them by the pier at 7 o’ clock in the morning, and then staright over to the City offices in the city Centre. We cast a glance around Tan y Fynwent, noted the rat problem and took some photographs so we could report the pests to the Public Protection depratment at Cyngor Gwynedd. It’s Cyngor Gwynedd’s responsibility to deal with pest control but it’s a responsibility for all of us to report pests.

After cleaning the offices, we returned to the Pier to empty the bins and inspect the condition of the decking, and general maintenance. Some of the decking beams were rotten so had to be replaced immediately. Saftey checks were carried out, and we moved on. We all need to be reminded that 5mph is the speed limit on the Pier, or the decking gets damaged.

Then we went over to Menai Woods to inspect the trees for any storm damage. Works are needed on the woodland path but as Aaron and Howell are our only City Council maintenance operatives, it’s impossible to get to grips with the significant works needed, without additional funds from all the stakeholders. We also visited Ashleigh Fields.

Then off to sort out the Christmas lights! This is a big job!

Then before the end of the day, there was a call from the Pier renovation team, needing wooden beams and other resources before tomorrow otherwise the works would have to stop! Aaron had to turn on his heel and go shopping immediately! Aaron has alos taken on additional tasks as the City Council is now responsible for raising and lowering the bollards on the high street. Thank you Aaron and Howell – you are priceless! We are very lucky to have you!

A Day in the Life... By Elin – the Mayor of Bangor


14 November 2023

Quote from the Mayor:
On the intense occasion of Remembrance Sunday, we remember those who have lost their lives for the sake of others, and we also remember those who today are victims of the violence and horrors of war in our world. We pray for peace.

We support every effort to resolve a man-to-man dispute to the best of our ability.

Remembrance Sunday

13 November 2023
The Mayor enjoyed counting down to start the fireworks! Everyone enjoyed the amazing display! Thank you to all the volunteers for ensuring a smooth and safe event for all.

13 November 2023
The Mayor recently had the privilege of sharing the awards of talented Westend Academy pupils. She said "It was lovely to be present to celebrate the achievements of the lovely children. Congratulations to them all! Thanks to Natt Rob, the Academy's inspirational teacher for the invitation and warm welcome."

Westend Academy

Remembrance Sunday 12 November 2023
The Parade will assemble outside “Boots”, High Street, Bangor, at 9.30 a.m. in order to march up to the Cathedral in time for the start of the Service at 10.00a.m.

The Wreath Laying Ceremony and a short service will be held at the War Memorial at 11.00 a.m. directly following the Cathedral service.

Armistice Day 11 November 2023
A small service will be held at the War Memorial at 11.00am by the Glan yr Afon Car Park.

7 November 2023
The Council agreed on the following urgent declaration at its meeting last night, without expressing any political views.

Bangor City Council expresses its despair for the people in Gaza, Israel and the West Bank who are suffering the effects of the violence, and implores on behalf of all residents of Bangor City, for an end to the fighting and violence.

6 November 2023
The mayor had the pleasure to open Tafarn y Garth and the new fish and chip shop. She said “What a fantastic spot! Thank you, Chris and the team for their wonderful work renovating Tafarn y Garth! Looking forward to eating more chips and deep fried bara brith and looking at the lovely view in future!”

Tafarn y Garth

30 October 2023
The Mayor Councillor Elin Walker-Jones recently had the pleasure of attending the Maes G Showzone rehearsal. She said “Hearing the talented children singing and practicing their dancing was fantastic! The performance school offers lessons for children from year 3 upwards, and offers unique experiences to each child, whatever their background and ability. The school is run by talented volunteers including Mrs Steffie Williams Roberts and our city councillor, Councillor Eirian Williams Roberts and others."

Bangor City Council is proud to support Maes G Showzone in their invaluable work.


26 October 2023

23 October 2023
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor had the pleasure of eating the wonderful Indian food of the Bangor Tandoori. Go force to support High Street small businesses - there are a plethora of treasures there!

Pictured are R Raza the talented chef and Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Pictured are R Raza the talented chef and Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

16 October 2023
Recently a group of Soest people visited Bangor. The city of Soest in the West of Germany is twinned with the city of Bangor and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the twinning this year. 50 years of friendship between the citizens of the two cities!

During the week, there was a lovely service in the Cathedral, with Bangor school children all leading the singing. There was an opportunity to rebound and re-sign the charter of friendship during the service. An art exhibition was held at Storiel by artists from Wales, Germany and Poland, and there were local visits including a walk on the pier and concerts by local artists and talented students from Bangor University. It was Lovely to meet old friends and make new ones!

Recently a group of Soest people visited Bangor. The city of Soest in West Germany is twinned with the city of Bangor and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the twinning this year. 50 years of friendship between the citizens of the two cities!

10 October 2023
The Mayor had the privilege of attending the service of hope and in memory at Bangor Cathedral recently. The service was hosted by the North Wales Recovery Communities. NWRC does a very special job supporting people to change their life. The service was very emotional and dignified.

The Mayor had the privilege of attending the service of hope and in memory at Bangor Cathedral recently

28 September 2023
The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones and BCC officials visited Soest during the summer. This visit was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the official twinning of the City of Bangor and Soset.

The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones and BCC officials visited Soest during the summer.

28 September 2023

Notice of Co-Option - Marchog Ward

25 September 2023
The Mayor Councillor Elin Walker-Jones attended the Growing For Change night at Bwyd Da recently. She said that it was nice to have the opportunity to support Growing For Change and Bwyd Da. Growing For Change is an initiative that puts social change at the core of their work, aiming to grow and sell nutritious and local food to businesses and individuals. But Growing for Change also provides job opportunities for people who turn their lives around, working to deal with substance use or mental health challenges. The Mayor congratulates everyone who makes Growing For Change and Bwyd Da a success.

The Mayor Councillor Elin Walker-Jones attended the Growing For Change night at Bwyd Da recently

25 September 2023
The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones and deputy mayor, Councilor Gareth Parry, recently visited the Africa Society Centre North Wales. Councilor Elin said it was nice to have an opportunity to discuss issues with Councillor Salamatu Jidda-Fada and other friends.

25 September 2023
The Mayor had the privilege of opening the new Welsh Air Ambulance store in Canolfan Menai Bangor. She wishes to thank all the shop staff and volunteers - the work of the Air Ambulance is unparalleled in a rural area like Wales.

The Mayor had the privilege of opening the new Welsh Air Ambulance store in Canolfan Menai Bangor.

25 September 2023
Mayor's clean-up day: It was great to see so many volunteers from all over Bangor helping to make our High Street beautiful and clean, ready for the Summer Festival! The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones wishes to thank everyone - Gwynedd Council's Ardal Ni team, councilors and BCC staff, NWRC, MCPT, Menter Iaith, Bangor University, North Wales Police, Lee our 'Ranger', Probation Service, family and friends, and everyone else. Huge thank you all.

Mayor's clean-up day

25 September 2023
The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones visited the College Park exhibition at Pontio during the summer. She said "It was lovely to see the College Park plans moving forward."

The Mayor Councilor Elin Walker-Jones visited the College Park exhibition at Pontio during the summer

31 August 2023
Property Improvement Grant from Cyngor Gwynedd.

For more information on how to apply and if you're eligible, please contact

30 August 2023
Bangor City Council is proud to support the hot meals project with Bangor University students

16 August 2023
Councillor Elin Walker Jones, the Mayor of Cyngor Dinas Bangor welcomes the plans for a new Health and Wellbeing Centre for Bangor. The Centre is a step nearer due to Cyngor Gwynedd cabinet support for the £20 million project to create the Centre, in partnership with Welsh Government.

Elin said, “We are very happy! This is excellent news! Thank you Cyngor Gwynedd for your support to the city of Bangor, and for your faith in this exciting project. We look forward to seeing this ambitious project contributing to city centre regeneration. Strategic investments of this nature, as well as community efforts to hold events such as the Summer Festival this Saturday, the Pier regeneration, securing Nantporth’s future as well as many other community and business activities send a clear message of optimism for the future.”

1 August 2023
An honour and a privilege to hold the Civic Sunday celebrations at Capel Berea Newydd. Thanks to the Reverend Doctor Elwyn Richards for undertaking the duties of the Mayors Chaplain, and to all who organized and took part in the lovely service, especially the children! Thanks too to all attendees, and to Bwyd Da Bangor for the fantastic food! Thanks to all of you for your generous donations to the North Wales Samaritans. This is Elin handing over the donation to Lynda and thanking them for their wonderful work, providing a listening ear to those in need.

Summer Fest

27 July 2023
Preparations for the summer festival are in full swing!!

If you would like to volunteer for the clean up day please email

27 July 2023
Preparations for the summer festival are in full swing!!

Mayor Elin Walker -Jones

19 July 2023
You will see our Mayor Elin Walker -Jones out and around Bangor getting involved and stuck into every project she can fit in her diary! If you do see her make sure to say hello!!

Mayor Elin Walker -Jones

Cllr Salamatu Fada

18 July 2023
A huge congratulation to Cllr Salamatu Fada, who received an honorary doctorate from Bangor University last week (to add to her academic doctorate). The event was celebrated with family, friends, Members of the African and Caribbean Society and representatives of the City Council. Salamatu was also recently acknowledged as one of the 100 most influential women in Wales.

Cllr Salamatu Fada

North Wales Jamaica Society

29 June 2023
Bangor City Council supported North Wales Jamaica Society to run a full day event in Penrhyn Hall on 22nd June 2023 to bring people from Jamaica and North Wales together to recognise ‘Windrush 75’

Phoenix Cafe

27 June 2023
The mayor Elin visited Phoenix Cafe in Bangor last week meeting owner Ramadan Ali. Both the food and service were wonderful!

Trinity Foundation Closing Ceremony

23 June 2023

The mayor had a very special experience to be present at the Trinity Foundation closing ceremony!

Thank you Kumi and Adrian and all for the welcome! Congratulations Mio, Miki and Laura on completing your studies and very best wishes for the future!

Trinity Foundation closing ceremony

26 May 2023

Mayor 2023/24: Cllr Elin Walker Jones
Deputy Mayor 2023/24: Cllr Gareth Parry

Mayor 2023/24: Cllr Elin Walker Jones Deputy Mayor 2023/24: Cllr Gareth Parry

25 May 2023

The Mayor had the honour of being present at the Pier Walk with Eryri Cooperative and Dementia Active Gwynedd to mark the Dementia Week.

The Mayor had the honour of being present at the Pier Walk with Eryri Cooperative and Dementia Active Gwynedd to mark the Dementia Week

24 May2023
The Trinity Foundation on the high street in Bangor organises visits for Japanese teenagers to experience British and Welsh culture during the summer. The visitors are hosted by local families, for which a payment is made. The success of the visits is such that it is seeking additional host families for this summer. The details are given in the flyer if any Bangor or nearby locations families are interested

The Trinity Foundation on the high street in Bangor organises visits for Japanese teenagers to experience British and Welsh culture during the summer

22 May 2023
The council staff helped to ensure the pier celebration day a success Emlyn ac Aaron.

Also a plaque to thank Emlyn for his contribution to the restoration.

And a special thanks to Avril chair of Friends of Bangor pier

pier celebration

3 May 2023
Bangor City Council and Ogwen Partnership support poblipobl with an electric cycle ride from Garth Pier to Bethesda Rugby Club and back. The event proved very popular and further ride's are planned over the summer. The mayor of Bangor took part in the ride.

Garth Pier

25 April 2023
The Deputy Mayor Elin Walker-Jones helped run a warm welcome session recently. Three sessions were held in total over the last few weeks.

Thank you to Ysgol Tryfan for the welcome and use of the canteen, thank you to Mantell Gwynedd for the grant, thank you to the Maestryfan Community Group for organizing the events, thank you to Bwyd Da Bangor for the wonderful food and thank you to Sonia Lloyd for the delicious cakes!

The Deputy Mayor Elin Walker-Jones helped run a warm welcome session recently

12 April 2023
Councillor to attend Buckingham Palace garden party marking coronation of King Charles more

Bangor City Councillor Steve Bell

7 April 2023
Are you a constituted community or voluntary group or charity in Bangor? If so Bangor City Council would like to hear from you. The City Council is looking to establish a definitive list of all the groups in these categories in the City, whether active or dormant, with a view to keeping them up to date on local events, activities, availability of grants and other opportunities. If you think your group falls into any of these categories, please email your group’s name and contact details to letting us know what you do (or did).

6 April 2023
On Monday the 27th of March, Bangor City Council awarded the Freedom of the city award to 3 former Mayors and councillors of Bangor. The three, now retired councillors, have served Bangor for a combined total of over 125 years.

Mrs Lesley Day, Mr Derek Hainge and Mr John Martin were presented with their framed Freedom of Bangor Certificate and a lapel pin from the current Mayor, Cllr Gwynant Roberts and the current Deputy Mayor, Cllr Elin Walker Jones. Those attending were entertained by the talented harpist, Alys Bailey-Wood.

In October 2022 the council voted in favour of these wonderful people receiving the award and want to give the utmost thanks for their years serving the people of Bangor

King's jeweller to save 140-year-old ceremonial mace

A mace used to mark key events for more than 140 years is set to be saved by a royal jeweller whose own family walked behind more

Bangor mace

Dear Councillors
It is with deep regret that I must report that former Bangor City Mayor and Councillor, Douglas Madge passed away on Monday the 20th March. We are arranging a condolence card from the Council. There is no information yet regarding the funeral but I will let you know as soon as I hear about it. I am sure his family is in our thoughts at this difficult time.
Commonwealth of Nations Flag of Peace, Bangor, 13th March 2023

January 26 2023
Bangor City Council is delighted to announce that it has approved a budget of £50,000 to improve the play parks of the City. The City Director stated that “While these parks are actually owned by Cyngor Gwynedd, the City Council feels there is a need to undertake work that, quite honestly, Gwynedd does not have the funding for. Both Councils will work together to agree on a strategy for this expenditure.

January 26 2023
At a recent meeting of the City Council, it approved a project to explore the feasibility of purchasing one or two High Street properties with a view to offering them for community-based projects. It is hoped that this will be a small positive step to aid the image of the High Street while benefitting local communities.

January 26 2023
At last week’s meeting of the City Council, it approved the next phase of the renovation of Bangor Garth Pier. This £75,000 upgrade project continues the overall regeneration of the Pier, which will ensure the continued use of this great asset for the people of Bangor.

January 26 2023
Bangor City Council is pleased to announce that it has approved the funding to extend the Welsh Government’s new pedestrian signage project to include Upper Bangor. The City Council has also agreed to fund a new pedestrian map of the City to accompany the project.

January 26 2023
Bangor City Director, Dr Martin Hanks, addressed the Annual General Meeting of the Garth Community Centre on Tuesday evening. His talk on the Vision for Bangor was very well received by the estimated 40 attendees.

January 25 2023
Congratulations to Salamatu who is a Bangor City Councillor for the Hirael ward on being included amongst the 100i.

The 100 people changing the face of Wales

The outgoing future generations commissioner, Sophie Howe, has put together a list of 100 making a positive difference to Wales

Climate activists, public sector workers, influencers, schools and a Hollywood actor have been included on a list of 100 people changing the face of Wales. The outgoing future generations commissioner, Sophie Howe, compiled the list to highlight the work of people making a positive difference to the nation.

The list, which will be announced at a special event at the Wales Millennium Centre includes

Dr Salamatu Jidda-Fada

Founder and Director, North Wales Africa Society

Based in Bangor, Salamatu works as a conservation consultant in promoting a greener Wales and is active in promoting environmental awareness amongst ethnic minority communities and the wider Welsh society. She founded the North Wales Africa Society to support Africans living in north Wales to access services for housing, transport, healthcare, education for ethnic minority children, students and professionals.

January 25 2023
The Mayor who was honoured to be invited to the celebration of the Chinese Year of Rabbit with the Confucius Institute in a gala at Pontio. The presentation of dance and song exhibiting Chinese traditional culture. A truly engrossing experience and an honour to witness. The Confucius Institute is an example, possibly not fully appreciated, of making Bangor a location of international renown. Congratulations.

January 19 2023
Bangor City Council, while disappointed that the bid to assist this City was not successful, would like to congratulate Gwynedd on its success in obtaining £18.8m Levelling Up grant to upgrade the walking and cycling routes for the National Slate Museum and the Ogwen Arts Centre

January 10 2023
A new service has been launched at Bangor Library for Bangor residents, correspondence to Cyngor Gwynedd and it’s departments can now be posted at Bangor Library free of charge, a post box is now available in the foyer of the Library , and correspondence will be collected on a daily basis.

Library staff are on hand to assist the residents of Bangor with their enquiries, there is also a free of charge telephone to connect to Galw Gwynedd Contact Centre, and the post box will allow users to leave their correspondence for Gwynedd Council Staff and Departments, which will be distributed on a daily basis. The library is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 09:30 until 18:30, Thursday and Friday from 09:30 until 17:00 and Saturday from 09:30 until 13:00. Galw Gwynedd Contact Centre is open from 08:30 until 17:00 (Monday to Friday).


Casual Vacancy- Marchog Ward

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a casual vacancy in the office of councillor in Marchog ward on City of Bangor Council.

An election will be held to fill the vacancy if a request in writing for an election which includes the signatures of ten electors of the above ward is sent to: The Returning Officer, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH within the period ending at 12 noon on Monday, 16 January, 2023.

In the absence of a request for an election, the vacancy will be filled by the City Council.

Bangor City Council would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year. More exciting stuff to come in the new year

Trinity Foundation

The Mayor with the latest Japanese students to attend the Trinity-Foundation programme located on the high street at Bangor. One of the many small enterprises that contribute to the economy of the city that are often under-appreciated.

8 December 2022

Bangor City Council supports M-SParc's on-Tour’s.

City Director Dr Martin Hanks and Deputy City Director Ms Llinos Jones, presented Msparc on the Road’s on-Tour Manager Mr Ben Roberts with a cheque for £3,000. “The Msparc presence on the High Street is fantastic for the City. The Msparc team have hosted more than a dozen workshops and the drop-in centre has experienced hundreds of visitors in its first few weeks. The City Council are proud to support its initiatives.”

City Director Dr Martin Hanks and Deputy City Director Ms Llinos Jones

8 December 2022

The Mayor with Sion from the charity Tenovus at the fund raising concert in the Cadeirlan Bangor Cathedral. Tenovus provides support for people and families who are dealing with cancer throughout Wales.

Tenovus Cancer Care

Tenovus Cancer Care

7 December 2022
The Mayor attended a lovely service this morning. He wants to give thanks to Ysgol Bont, Ysgol Gogarth & Conwy Connect for their amazing performances and the Cadeirlan Bangor Cathedral for hosting it.

5 December 2022
We want to say a huge thanks to Grŵp Cymunedol Bangor Community Group for their outstanding work yesterday, working together and making Bangor a place to be going forward. Thanks to all the volunteers, stall holders and performers. A thanks to Pontio Bangor Bangor University Representative Office for allowing us to have the amazing firework display & the Deiniol Shopping Centre for letting us have a unit to have our Christmas grotto in there . And lastly a thanks to North Wales Police & North Wales Fire and Rescue Service / Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru Cymru for keeping us all safe.

We hope everyone had a lovely day. Here's to many more events happening around our city

Coed Mawr

Christmas Cracker

Happy birthday 100 years old

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor wishing Enid Roberts of Eithinog a happy 100 birthday. A special lady still with an array of interests.

Happy birthday 100 years old

Malayalees Association

The Mayor and Councillor Gareth Roberts at the Malayalees Association’s celebration of the cultural festival of Onam. The Malayalis culture being native to the state of Kerala, which is on the west coast of India.

Malayalees Association


Casual Vacancy- Marchog Ward

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a casual vacancy in the office of councillor in Marchog ward on City of Bangor Council.

An election will be held to fill the vacancy if a request in writing for an election which includes the signatures of ten electors of the above ward is sent to: The Returning Officer, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH within the period ending at 12 noon on Friday, 14 October, 2022.

In the absence of a request for an election, the vacancy will be filled by the City Council.

Casual Vacancy- Hirael Ward

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a casual vacancy in the office of councillor in Hirael ward on City of Bangor Council.

An election will be held to fill the vacancy if a request in writing for an election which includes the signatures of ten electors of the above ward is sent to: The Returning Officer, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH within the period ending at 12 noon on Friday, 14 October, 2022.

In the absence of a request for an election, the vacancy will be filled by the City Council.

Clerk to the Council
Dated 26 September 2022

New Bangor City Council City Director

The Mayor, Councillor Gwynant Roberts, announced that Dr Martin Hanks has been appointed the permanent role of City Director for Bangor City Council, as from the 1st September. Dr Hanks has previously filled the role on a temporary and part-time basis and is now taking up the role full-time.

Dr Hanks, who is originally from Caernarfon, has close links to the City, he studied in Bangor for nine years and also taught at the University for a time. For the last four years, Dr Hanks has served as Town Clerk to Penmaenmawr Town Council, where he was responsible for overseeing a number of successful projects. Dr Hanks is a Principal Member of the Society of Local Council Clerks and was recently appointed to the National Committee of the Association of Local Council Clerks.

The Council extend him a warm welcome and offer it’s best wishes in this role.

The Mayor congratulates Dr Hanks on his appointment

The Mayor congratulates Dr Hanks on his appointment.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022

Trinity Foundation

31 August 2022
The Mayor present at a ceremony of the Trinity Foundation programme which introduces young people from Japan to the UK and Welsh cultures

Annie's Orphans - Trinity Foundation

Annie’s Orphans

31 August 2022
The Mayor celebrating 25years since the establishment of the charity shops range Annie’s Orphans that was set up in Bangor through the work of the Rev Pauline Edwards. Profits support a number orphanges in India, Burma and Africa.

Annie's Orphans - Trinity Foundation

New Mayor for Bangor 2022/23

Mayor: Cynghorydd Gwynant Roberts

Deputy Mayor: Cynghorydd Elin Walker Jones

Bangor City in solidarity with Ukraine

Bangor City in solidarity with Ukraine

Season’s Greetings

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Best wishes, Councillor Owen J Hurcum, Mayor of Bangor
SeaSon’S GreetinGS

The market returns to Bangor High Street

3 December 2021

Today (3rd December) sees the return of the market to Bangor High Street. The market returns after a two year absence, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In September, Bangor City Council approved a proposal by the Artisan Market Company to run the new market, and preparations for the return have taken place over the past few weeks.

Stella McClure, Director of the Artisan Market Company, said:
“We’re delighted to be given the opportunity to run the new market on Bangor High Street. Over the past few years we have worked hard to deliver a successful and sustainable market in Colwyn Bay, and plan to do the same in Bangor. We want the market to be a fun, lively and entertaining place, with a strong focus on local produce and a range of traders that cater to the needs of people of all ages and backgrounds. We’re keen to play our part in increasing footfall in the city centre, and bring some vibrancy to Bangor on Fridays. We’re very pleased to be launching in the run-up to Christmas, and we have some exciting plans for the coming weeks and months”

Councillor Owen J Hurcum, Mayor of Bangor, said:
“It is wonderful to see the market return to Bangor High Street. The High Street has seen significant challenges over the past two years, and a lively, busy and successful market is integral to the High Street’s recovery and prosperity over the coming years. Bwyd Da Bangor has recently opened, the new Xscape Rooms is a new and exciting attraction close by, and the return of the market before Christmas is another fantastic addition to the High Street. On behalf of the Council, I’d like to thank the Bangor Market Company for their help and support, and wish the Artisan Market Company the very best for the future”

Vacancy: Interim Town Clerk


Applications must be returned by 1st December 2021 by 5pm.

Bangor City Council has a vacancy for an Interim Town Clerk (Fixed Term Contract 6 months, up to 37.5 hours per week)

Salary: £38,890 (to be paid pro rata if working part time)

Start date: Preferably week beginning 13th December 2021

Due to the recent resignation of our City Director we are seeking an interim Town Clerk for our City Council whilst we recruit permanently.

Are you committed to serving the community?

Are you a careful administrator, a good communicator and an enthusiastic manager? Would you consider joining Bangor City Council as our interim Town Clerk?

Bangor is a small city in north west Wales, located between the Menai Straits and the Snowdonia mountains. Bangor is a University city and is the oldest city in Wales, housing a near 1500 year old Cathedral. Bangor has many attractions, including Bangor Garth Pier, owned and managed by the City Council.

We are seeking a dynamic and collaborative individual to serve the Council and the city over the coming months. You will be a self-starter, able to show initiative and to think on your feet. You will understand the functions of a town/community council.

The successful candidate will need to build a wide range of positive relationships with councillors, staff, residents, businesses and other organisations. You will also manage our small team of staff and take overall responsibility for all the City Council’s administrative functions.

The interim Town Clerk is expected to be fully involved in supporting the Council to:

  • Manage the day-to-day affairs of the City Council: manage expenditure, organise Council and Committee meetings, provide support to members, represent the Council on external meetings
  • Engage with the community to identify their needs, priorities and wishes, respond to queries/complaints from the public
  • Show due regard to advance equality of opportunity for all residents

The successful candidate will:

  • Ideally hold a minimum of an ILCA/CiLCA qualification
  • have proven experience in administration
  • have a good understanding of local government and strong communication and IT skills
  • be familiar with accounting practices and financial management
  • be an effective manager of a staff team
  • Welsh language skills: desirable but not essential for this post

For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Iwan Williams, City Director on 07591 833760.

To apply please send your current CV and a covering letter stating how you can assist our city to

Closing date 5pm Wednesday 1st December 2021.

Interviews anticipated week beginning Monday 6th December 2021.

Halloween Pier get-together promises to be the fright of your life!

Ghoulish greetings await anyone brave enough to visit Bangor Garth Pier this Saturday 30th October, 3-7pm. Some frightening scenes are guaranteed for the family-friendly get-together, led by Bangor Arts Initiative and supported by Bangor City Council and Friends of Bangor Garth Pier.

Mayor of Bangor, Cllr Owen J Hurcum said:

“We’re delighted to have the Halloween get-together on the Pier this Saturday. Visitors are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes, the Encôr choir will be performing along with a Samba band and circus acts. I would like to thank Bangor Arts Initiative for leading on this, as well as Cllr Enid Parry for her hard work in planning for the occasion.

I would also like to thank Friends of Bangor Garth Pier (FBGP) for their help and support. Under the leadership of Chair Avril Wayte, FBGP have made an invaluable contribution to the success of the Pier in recent months. Thanks to their volunteers, over £5,000 was collected on the Pier in August and all proceeds go towards maintaining the Pier. Their presence on the Pier has made a real difference and the City Council is very grateful for their continued support.

I would encourage people to visit Bangor Garth Pier on Saturday afternoon and some spooky scenes are guaranteed!”

Unveiling of Ashley Jones Fields Information Board


Unveiling of Ashley Jones Fields Information Board

Today (21st October) a new Information Board for Ashley Jones Fields was unveiled by Mayor of Bangor, Cllr Owen J Hurcum, and Kumi Sunada, Principal of the Trinity Foundation Programme. The trilingual Information Board, including Welsh, English and Japanese, includes details on the history of the fields, the Japanese Sakura trees planted in the fields and elsewhere in Bangor in the spring, and on Ashley Jones himself. Ashley Jones was a prominent Bangor solicitor and bequeathed the fields to the city of Bangor upon his death in 1939.

Mayor of Bangor, Cllr Owen J Hurcum said:
“I’m delighted to unveil this Information Board for Ashley Jones Fields today. The fields are a special place in Bangor and loved by many. As a Council, we have worked hard to improve the fields during 2021 and the new Board will accompany the Japanese Sakura trees and the Beatles friendship bench, recently installed in the fields. The Board is sponsored by the Trinity Foundation and on behalf of the City Council, we are incredibly grateful for their help, support and generosity in sponsoring this new feature”

Kumi Sunada, Principal of the Trinity Foundation Programme said:
“We’re very pleased to sponsor the Information Board for Ashley Jones Fields. We have worked with the City Council on the Sakura trees project over recent months, and the Information Board strengthens our working relationship. The Trinity Foundation Programme / International Federation of Universities provides help, support and advice for Japanese students studying in Bangor, and offers a specialised programme before students embark on their degrees. We have welcomed Japanese students to Bangor for many years and are delighted to see the links between Bangor, Wales and Japan go from strength to strength”

Bangor Garth pier to turn pink and blue to support Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021

This year, for Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th-15th October), Bangor City Council have partnered with baby loss charity, Our Sam, to raise awareness for baby loss, by turning Bangor Pier pink and blue with night time illumination and ribbons.

North Wales based baby loss charity, Our Sam, and local volunteers, gathered on Bangor pier on Friday 8th October to decorate Bangor pier with hundreds of pink and blue ribbons, as part of the annual pink and blue, baby loss awareness campaign, led by the UK Baby Loss Alliance.

The beautiful Grade II listed, 470m Bangor Garth Pier, is the second longest pier in Wales, and this year celebrates its 125th year anniversary.

Philippa Davies, Founder of baby loss charity, Our Sam said "We were absolutely delighted when we approached Bangor City Director, Iwan Williams, asking if he would consider showing support for Baby Loss Awareness Week, by joining the pink and blue campaign, and turn any of the wonderful local buildings or landmarks in Bangor, pink and blue, and he suggested Bangor Garth Pier. As such a beautiful and visible landmark, this is a tremendous show of support for bereaved parents and families, and to raise awareness for the more than a quarter of a million people affected by baby loss following miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death and SIDS in the UK each year. We would like to thank Bangor City Council and Iwan Williams for their support, and all the volunteers who have supported us to decorate the pier with hundreds of pink and blue ribbons. Baby loss remains an incredibly taboo and difficult subject for many to talk about, but it is important that we do, to reduce isolation for all those having to face this heart -breaking trauma."

Iwan Williams, Bangor City Director, said "We were very pleased to be asked, and proud to be able to show our support, and help to raise awareness of baby loss for baby loss awareness week here in Bangor. Baby loss is so incredibly difficult for those who have had to go through this sad loss, but there are still many who have no idea of the extent of the number of people affected, and the significant effects, this often-hidden loss has on the lives of many parents and families."

Bangor Garth Pier will be lit and decorated from the 9th – 15th October. If you are a bereaved parent affected by baby loss, and need support, you can contact Our Sam, member organisation of the UK Baby Loss Alliance, through the Our Sam website .If you would to know more about baby loss awareness week you can go to

*(Our Sam Charity and volunteers will be available for photographs on the pier on Friday 8th October from 10.30am)

Hollywood, Pinewood…Pierwood!


Bangor Garth Pier proving a hit with film companies

Bangor Garth Pier has long been an attraction for the locals, visitors, students and tourists. It has also attracted a number of film companies over the years, with many eager to make the most of the incredible scenery the Pier offers in all directions, not to mention the warm welcome on the Pier!

This summer has proved no exception, and Bangor City Council, Friends of Bangor Garth Pier and kioskholders have been delighted to welcome a number of film production companies to the Pier in recent weeks:

  • On 7th July, BBC Wales were on the Pier as part of the Gorwelion/Horizons Summer Tour music scheme, with a solo performance by Casi Wynand a joint performance with Eve Goodman and Beth Celyn
  • On 12th July, ITV Wales visited to film representatives from Bangor City Council and Friends of Bangor Garth Pier for the ‘Coast and Country’ programme, which aired on 12th August (available here)
  • On 13th July, Rondo Media filmed on the Pier for the ‘Cynefin’ programme
  • On 21st July, Anglesey School of Dancing performed and filmed on the Pier
  • On 18th August, BBC Radio Cymru visited the Pier for a large-scale filming production involving Tudur Owen’s programme
  • On 22nd August, local celebrity and fundraiser Wynne ‘Elvis’ Roberts performed on the Pier and was filmed by S4C

Cllr Owen Hurcum, Mayor of Bangor, said:
“At this point I think Bangor Pier is probably north Wales' biggest TV star having appeared in a huge range of television shows, films and radio promotions, and I think anyone who knows it can see why. It's an amazing place and give me so much pride to know out Pier is getting seen across the world and I am certain that many of those who see it on their screens will be dying to see it in person, experience it up close as we have had the pleasure of doing for the last 125 years"

Avril Wayte, Chair of Friends of Bangor Garth Pier, said:
“Our charity is delighted to be able to work with and support Bangor City Council in these wonderful days for our pier. We are so happy that the pier’s vibrancy is recognised so widely, and that we have these opportunities to show it off for the world to see.”

Who needs Hollywood or Pinewood when you can have the Pier? Bangor City Council is very grateful for the cooperation of these film companies over the summer weeks, and looks forward to welcoming many more over the coming months and years.

Pictures (left to right): Gorwelion/Horizons Summer Tour filming with Casi Wyn, Eve Goodman, Beth Celyn and Luke Jones 7th July; Mayor of Bangor Cllr Owen Hurcum ITV ‘Coast and Country’ interview 12th July; Rondo Media ‘Cynefin’ programme filming 13th July; Anglesey School of Dancing filming 21st July; BBC Radio Cymru filming with Tudur Owen and Mr Phormula; also welcomed by Mayor of Bangor Cllr Owen Hurcum 18th August; Wynne ‘Elvis’ Roberts performing on the Pier 22nd August and meeting Avril Wayte, Chair of Friends of Bangor Garth Pier

Bangor Garth Pier proving a hit with film companies

Notice of Co-option

Notice of Co-option Section 116 Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011

Dewi Ward

Notice is hereby given that 1 vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the above mentioned Community/Ward, and the City Council intends to co-opt.

Expressions of interest are being sought from members of the public who meet the following qualifications and are interested in representing their community on the aforementioned City Council. You must be a British, Commonwealth, Irish or a European Union citizen and be 18 years of age or over; and meet at least one of the following criteria:*

  • registered as a local government elector for the area named above; or
  • during the whole of the last 12 months occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the community named above; or
  • your principal or only place of work during the last 12 months has been in the community named above; or
  • you have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Community or with 4.8 kilometres of it.

*Certain people are disqualified from standing, and these include paid officers of the community council, anyone subject to bankruptcy restriction orders and those subject to recent sentences of imprisonment. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they are qualified to stand.

If you wish to be considered for co-option for the vacant seats(s) or want more information regarding the role of a Community Councillor please contact the Proper Officer, Clerk to the Council Community on/at; 01248 352 421 by 16/7/21.

Signed: Iwan Williams
Dated: 29/6/21
Clerk to the Council

Give blood in Bangor this June

3 lives could be saved with just one hour of your time

City Of Bangor Council Casual Vacancy- Dewi Ward

Notice is hereby given of a casual vacancy in the office of councillor in Dewi ward on City of Bangor Council.

An election will be held to fill the vacancy if a request in writing for an election which includes the signatures of ten electors of the above ward is sent to: The Returning Officer, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH within the period ending at 12 noon on Monday, 21 June, 2021.

In the absence of a request for an election, the vacancy will be filled by the City Council.


14 May 2021

Today (14th May 2021) Bangor Garth Pier celebrates its 125th year anniversary. On this day in 1896, Lord Penrhyn officially opened the pier following a procession through the city and a crowd of over 5,000 people assembled to watch the opening ceremony. This year, the situation is markedly different. A large-scale event is not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however celebrations proceed nonetheless. At 11am, the Mayor of Bangor Cllr Owen Hurcum will unveil a new plaque commemorating the 125th year anniversary. Following social distancing rules, the Mayor will be joined by other members of Bangor City Council, kioskholders and representatives of Friends of Bangor Garth Pier (FGBP), a new volunteer group working with the City Council to provide help and support to visitors on the pier and ensure that the pier thrives and has a sustainable future.

Ahead of the important date, Mayor of Bangor Cllr Owen Hurcum said “Our pier is the jewel in the crown of our great city, affording all who venture upon it some of the finest views imaginable. It has stood as an asset to our city for over 125 years, and it has served the people of this city throughout this time. The pier has faced numerous challenges throughout its journey and perhaps none more-so than the recent structural repairs that have seen an incredible investment of over £1.8m to ensure the survival of this structure for the next 125 years.”

“We can’t turn out as a city today to celebrate its momentous anniversary, but we can, and we will, celebrate the pier in our own way moving forward. The pier is in the lifeblood of this city, it’s part of Bangor’s hiraeth and I very much look forward to seeing its history to come.”

Avril Wayte, Chair of Friends of Bangor Garth Pier, said:

“It is a huge privilege for us to be involved with Bangor Garth pier, and play a pivotal role in protecting the pier for the future, especially so as we are enabling the local community to take part in that process. Our pier - owned by the City Council and loved by all.”

The pier will be lit up this evening to celebrate the special anniversary. With the large-scale event delayed by a year until May 2022, Bangor City Council and Friends of Bangor Garth Pier will celebrate the anniversary in different ways over the coming months. A series of interviews, discussions and presentations on the history of the pier and the area will be published online, with a number of small-scale events and activities scheduled to take place on the pier later on this year, subject to Covid-19 regulations. A Digital Programme will also be published today to acknowledge the important date.


Bangor Garth Pier: 125th year anniversary Digital Programme

New Mayor for Bangor 2021/22

11 May 2021

Annual Meeting 10th May: The Council voted for Cllr Owen Hurcum as the new Mayor of Bangor for 2021/22. The Council also voted for Cllr Gwynant Roberts as the new Deputy Mayor. The Council thanked the former Mayor Cllr John Wyn Williams for his hard work and leadership over the past two years, and welcomed Cllr Hurcum to their new role.

New Mayor for Bangor 2021/22

4 May 2021

Bangor becomes first Welsh Council to support Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Bangor becomes first city in Wales to be awarded ‘Plastic Free Communities’ status

Covid-19 Day of Reflection: Bangor Garth Pier

23 March 2021
Bangor Garth Pier will be lit up in yellow this evening, 23rd March, to help remember all those who have lost their lives to Covid-19. Other buildings and landmarks across Wales will also be lit up, marking the anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown. At 8pm, people are encouraged to stand on their doorsteps with phones, candles and torches to signify a 'beacon of remembrance'. Any visitors to Bangor Garth Pier are reminded to follow social distancing rules.

Gradual easing of Covid19 restrictions

Responding to the Welsh Government announcement on 12th March, Mayor of Bangor Cllr John Wyn Williams said:

“We welcome the announcement from the Welsh Government that Wales is taking the first steps out of lockdown. We understand the need for a gradual and phased approach generally in order to keep people safe and manage the spread of coronavirus. We express disappointment however that non-essential retail businesses won’t be able to re-open until 22nd March. And other businesses won’t be able to re-open at all in March. The past year has been incredibly difficult for Bangor businesses, and the pandemic has caused huge uncertainties over their future. We ask that these businesses are able to re-open as soon as possible, as they are able to welcome customers whilst adhering to Covid19 rules”

Bangor Business Improvement District (BID) Ballot

Responding to the ballot result on 12th March, Mayor of Bangor, Cllr John Wyn Williams said:

“We welcome the news that the Bangor Business Improvement District (BID) Ballot is successful. This means an investment of over £740,000 in Bangor over the next five years. Bangor City Council will be working closely with Bangor First and other partners to ensure that the next BID term benefits Bangor businesses and residents, and that the BID helps the development of the city as a good place to live, work and invest in”

Sakura Cherry Tree Project

On 2nd March 2021 the City of Bangor received Sakura Cherry Trees to celebrate the enduring friendship between Wales and Japan. A thousand Cherry Trees were gifted to public parks, schools and cities across Wales, with the first tree planted by the First Minister of Wales, the Rt. Hon Mark Drakeford MS and Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine, Japan’s Ambassador to the UK, in December 2020. The initiative will be a lasting legacy from the Japan-UK Season of Culture 2019-2020 and is made possible by donations from Japanese businesses.

In Bangor, the majority of the Cherry Trees are based in Ashley Jones fields, with others located across the City, including the grounds of Bangor University and Penrhyn Castle. Mayor of Bangor Cllr John Wyn Williams said “On behalf of the residents of Bangor, Bangor City Council expresses its gratitude to Japan for their generosity and gift to the City. We welcome the Sakura Cherry Trees and they will be an asset for Ashley Jones fields and in other locations, something that current and future generations can enjoy and appreciate”.

Sakura Cherry Tree Project

Left: City Director Iwan Williams plants a tree in Ashley Jones fields. Right: Mayor of Bangor Cllr John Wyn Williams

St David’s Day Celebrations 2021

The Council is working with its partners once again to celebrate St David’s Day this year. Further information on the programme of activities and events (24th February – 5th March) may be found here: Gŵyl Dewi Bangor - Home | Facebook

Pier Update (February 2021)

There are no major structural works taking place at the moment. Four stages of the restoration project have been completed, with two remaining. The priority over the coming months will be painting parts of the Pier, treating some of the planks and addressing the Linkspan at the end of the Pier. This work will commence later on this year.

The City Council are exploring funding opportunities with partners to improve the Pier and to ensure its sustainability going forward. The 125th anniversary of the Pier takes place on 14th May 2021. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, a large-scale event will not be possible however the Council is looking at alternative arrangements, with further details to be published closer to the date.

Bangor City Council City Director

The Mayor, Councillor John Wyn Williams, announces that Mr Iwan Marc Williams has been appointed to the role of City Director for Bangor City Council and he will start in the role on 1st January 2021.

Mr Williams is originally from Llandysul and has lived in Bangor, with his wife and two small daughters, for over a year. He has experience of working in the public sector both in Wales and also in Europe.

Best wishes are extended to him in this new role and grateful thanks are offered to Dr Martin Hanks who has fullfilled the role of City Clerk in the recent past.

Remembrance Commemoration 8 November 2020

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor or Bangor laid wreaths at the War Memorial on behalf of the City Council and people of Bangor, at a small unpublished ceremony on Remembrance Sunday.

Remembrance commemoration 8 November 2020

Bangor Pier

Covid 19 virus Update October 2020

The latest Welsh Government national restrictions to reduce the spread of the Covid 19 virus (Coronavirus) come into force on Friday 23rd October 2020. To encourage people to enjoy the outdoors and to facilitate exercise Bangor City Council wish to confirm that the Pier, like parks and other open spaces, will remain open. Users are asked to maintain social distancing restrictions.

Bangor City Council - City Director

Salary Scale LC3, Scp. 33 – Scp. 36
(£36,922 -£39,880)

This is an exciting and varied role that offers the opportunity for an enthusiastic and vibrant person to play a leading role successful development of the City of Bangor. The Council intends employing a person with excellent communicative skills and is able to work with elected members and varied partners within the City and is able to demonstrate the proven ability to lead and deliver projects.

If the above appeals then contact Bangor City Council Offices for an application pack and job description or

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 21st October 2020;

Recruitment Information

VE Day: 08/05/2020

VE Day

In a small and socially safe service, the Mayor, Cllr John Wyn Williams, joined representatives of the Royal British Legion and the North Wales Police in an act of commemoration and remembrance this morning to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. The City Council would like to echo the message from the Welsh Government and encourage everyone to celebrate this day but to do so safely and within the social distancing guidelines.

For some ideas on how to mark the occasion while staying at home, click here

As the nation comes together here are some significant times:

2.45 pm: Extracts of Winston Churchill’s announcement that the war is over will be transmitted.

2.55 pm: Bugle, trumpet and cornet players are invited to play the Last Post.

3.00 pm: Everyone is invited to raise a glass in national toast to those who gave so much.

9.00 pm: Message from the Queen and Vera Lynn will again lead the nation in singing We’ll Meet Again.

Covid 19 virus Update Spring 2020

Friday Street Market

Due to the continued spread of the Covid-19 virus and for the safety of the people of Bangor it has been decided to suspend the Friday markets, until further notice.

Bangor Pier

As a result of the increasing spread of the Covid 19 virus (Coronavirus) and Government advice regarding social distancing, Bangor City Council has today taken the difficult decision to close Bangor Pier to the public until further notice.

The City Council apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Cheque Presentation

Cheque Presentation

The Mayor of Bangor, Councillor John Wyn Williams, recently celebrated his 70th birthday.

A large gathering of friends and family attended the birthday celebration at Bangor Rygbi Club with the aim of collecting money for the Alzheimer’s Society.

The Alzheimer’s Society is very close to John’s heart and it is immense pride that John was able to collect the sum in excess of £2500.

The money collected is to be used locally in the Gwynedd and Anglesey are for the Alzheimer Society’s ‘Side By Side’ service.

Side by Side is a volunteer-led service which helps people living with dementia to continue to play active roles in their communities. The service helps them to lead fulfilling lives, and reduces loneliness and isolation.

A cheque was recently presented by Councillor John Wyn Williams to a local representative of the Alzheimer Society.

Bangor Christmas Market

The Bangor community, at large, turned out in great numbers on Sunday (15th December) to support, what was again a very successful Christmas Market.

The Market was run and organised by Bangor City Council, the People of Bangor Community Group, supported by the Gwynedd School of Dance.

The Deiniol Centre welcomed numerous craft vendors into the mall to display their goods, including a vast array of ‘festive spirits’ and additional market stalls and food vendors extended up the High Street. In addition, there was a great range of Music and entertainment in Tan-y-Fynwent, which included performances by ‘Elsa’, the Gwynedd School of Dance, a local DJ, and percussion fun for all by CAPOEIRA MOCAMBO.

Among other attractions, live reindeers came visiting, while Father Christmas was in his grotto, courtesy of the Debenham’s store.

Thanks to the support of Gwynedd County Council there were children’s rides a car park in the centre of the City.

Bangor City Council sincerely thank everyone who played a part in the event, especially the market Inspector, North Wales Police and Gwynedd County Council.

Bangor Christmas Market

fireworks 2019

Hawliau Etholwyr 2019

Elsa the Eagle Owl

Elsa the Eagle Owl

Elsa the Eagle Owl

Review of electoral arrangements - County Council of Gwynedd

The Boundary Commission’s Final Recommendations Report for Gwynedd County Council was submitted to Welsh Ministers on 6 November 2018. There is a period of six weeks where Welsh Ministers may not make an Order. You may wish to take this opportunity to write to them with your views on the Final Recommendations. The six week period will end on 18 December 2018.

The Final Recommendations Report contains all of the Commission’s recommendations for the County of Gwynedd. Where it has made changes to the existing arrangements a description of the change, the representations it has received, the reasons for any change and a map of the proposals are contained in the report.

The Commission has now discharged its duties and it is now for Welsh Government and it’s Ministers to decide how to proceed. Ordinarily they will make an Order.

The Commission would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to make representations as well as the County Council for their assistance in the conduct of the review.

The reports, maps and other supporting information for the review can be found below.

Bangor City Council helps keep public toilets open

The City of Bangor Council has dug deep into its finances to form a partnership with Gwynedd Council to keep open the three Gwynedd owned public toilets in the City.

For 2018/19 the City Council will contribute £10,000 to ensure the toilets remain open as Gwynedd cuts bite deep into the public services provided in the City. From 2018 the Council will look at other ways of maintaining the provision of public conveniences. The three toilets are located at Glanrafon, Tanfynwent and Garth Road. The City Council’s own public toilet at the end of the Pier is unaffected as this is already maintained by the City.

City Councillors felt it was imperative at this time of cutbacks that under-threat toilet provision had to be maintained and consideration was given to taking them over completely, however the Town Clerk informed the Council that taking them over was not an option available at present but could be feasible subject to conditions at a later date.

A Jewish History of Bangor

A short introduction by Dr Nathan Abrams, Bangor University and Gareth Roberts of ‘The Menter Fachwen Walk and Discover Project’ at 2.10pm. Come and share your memories of Wartski’s and Pollecoff’s stores and discover the fascinating history of the Jews in Bangor from Medieval times to the Second World War.

Funded by the Bangor University ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

The exhibition will be at the Gallery until April 26th.

This event is FREE.

A Jewish History of Bangor

Refurbishment of the War Memorial Cross Bangor

The War Memorial Cross, plinths, steps, slabs and naming slates have recently been repaired and renovated by the City Council as part of the 100 year Remembrance of the end of World War 1.

Refurbishment of the War Memorial Cross Bangor

Successful grant applications with monies from CADW and the War Memorials Trust as well as a contribution from the City Council have enabled the work to be undertaken.

Works included cleaning, stone repairs, resin pinning, mortar re-pointing, brass cleaning, parapet, stone and blockwork repairs. It also entailed a refurbishment of the slate slabs and repainting of the lettering.

France Moreton, Director of the War Memorials Trust said “War memorials are a tangible connection to our shared past creating a link between the fallen and today. It is vital we ensure all our war memorials are in the best possible condition for their age and the charity is delighted to support this project. The centenary of World War 1 is a wonderful opportunity for communities across the country to protect and conserve their war memorials. If anyone knows of any other war memorials that need attention please contact us.”

The Mayor of Bangor, Councillor John Wynn Jones said “This important renovation will enhance the City Centre and give us a war memorial to be proud of. This is a place where respect and remembrance is given to the fallen, we must therefore ensure it is kept in good condition and held in great esteem”

Town Clerk, Ian Jones said “we are grateful to Welsh Government, CADW and the War Memorials Trust for their help and guidance in funding this work as the Memorial was suffering some disrepair and neglect. We hope this renovation will keep the cross and memorial in good stead for many years to come.”

Bangor Garth Pier Restoration Project

Bangor City Council has resolved to repair and restore the Garth Pier which has not received any major maintenance works for many years and is now in need of a refurbishment. The last restoration and renovation programme was in 1986.

Due to the precarious nature of this work substantial scaffolding is required as is stringent Health and Safety measures. There is also a requirement to dispose of all waste material in compliance with the regulations and a Marine Licence application was made and lodged with Natural Resources Wales and a dialogue has been ongoing with other interested parties.

The City Council apologises for any inconvenience during this construction project but these works are deemed necessary to secure the future stability and safety of the Pier for future generations to enjoy.

Tale of ill-fated ship HMS Conway told in Menai Bridge exhibition

HMS Conway

AN exhibition telling the story of a naval training ship that grounded in the Menai Strait is on in Menai Bridge.

The HMS Conway Exhibition is at the Menai Heritage's Thomas Telford Centre, from now until the end of June.

Menai Heritage, the charity that runs the Bridges Exhibition in Menai Bridge, is commemorating the 65th anniversary of the HMS Conway running aground. The ship was being moved to Birkenhead for a refit, but foundered when tugs lost control near the Menai Suspension Bridge. It stayed there until 1956, when it caught fire and burned to the water level. The exhibition is open Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am-5pm, the entrance fee is £3; children under 16 free.

On Saturday, June 2, a lecture about the HMS Conway will be given by Alfie Windsor, a former HMS Conway cadet, at 2pm, at the Thomas Telford Centre.

Invitation to a consultation event on the law of wills

The Law Commission has recently published a consultation paper, Making a Will.

The law of wills affects us all and the Commission is keen to hear views from across society – from members of the public, doctors, care workers, and civic groups, as well as members of the legal community.

The central issues considered in the consultation paper are:
Testamentary capacity
The rules about witnessing and signing wills
Protecting vulnerable testators
Electronic wills

You are invited to a Law Commission public consultation event, hosted by Bangor University. The event will be on:

Monday 9 October 2017
Cledwyn Room 3, Main University Building, Bangor University, College Road, Bangor, LL57 2DG.
Please arrive at 5pm for 5:30pm.

The event will last for one and a half hours and Welsh translation will be available. There is no charge for this event.

If you wish to attend, please respond by email by no later than 2 October 2017 to Damien Bruneau at: